
1) Find a distinctive still image and write an analysis of the mise-en-scene. Use each of the aspects you've learned in the lesson

C- The man (Jack Sparrow) is wearing a pirate
costume which tells us he could be adventurous and a thrill seeker.

L- The use of natural lighting signifies it is set outside as the only lighting used is the sun. 

A- His expression shows a face of terror as his mouth is wide open. It looks like he may be yelling for help and running away simultaneously.

M- It doesn't look like he has any makeup on however fake dirt makeup was probably used to make him seem scruffy and unclean. His hair is in dreads and has a bandana on top of his head. 

P- He isn't holding any props however the army of people in the back seem to be holding spears or weapons. This could suggest danger is happening, possibly death. Perhaps Sparrow is running away from the army behind him to avoid conflict.

S- This is set possibly by the beach as there is a lot of water which seems to be flowing.

2) Find TWO film or TV extracts on YouTube from different genres (e.g. horror, sci-fi, costume drama). Embed them in your blogpost and write a comparison of the mise-en-scene in each.

C- Their costumes are almost baseball uniforms as they're playing baseball. They're not fully kitted up with the uniform as they are still wearing their normal clothes underneath. 

L- The lighting is quite dark and has a green/blue tone to it which adds suspense and the idea that this is a fantasy genre. It also adds the idea that what happens next is a mystery. (Enigma code)

A- Most of them have quite straight faces or a game face. This can give the idea that they're competing and each of them are keen to win and are scared of losing as they may suffer consequences that they don't want to face. 

M- They're all quite pale as they are vampires. This could lead to the belief that they are from another planet or place and do not interact with humans.

P- A couple of them are holding baseball bats due to the fact that they're playing the sport of baseball and are competing against eachother.

S- It is set on a deserted field around lots of forests and trees.

C- He is wearing a Deadpool suit which shows he is him.

L- The use of natural lighting is used as he is outside so that the setting is portrayed

A- He doesn't really have any facial expressions as he has a mask covering his face which makes it difficult to depict his emotions

M- As is previously said he has a mask on his head which means you cannot see his facial expressions nor his face as a whole which creates a sense of mystery as you don't know who is behind the mask. (enigma code)

P- He is holding a piece of paper and drawing a drawing of himself on it which could symbolise ideas of childhood and memories. Maybe he is sweet and loving due to the fact his drawing was nice. 

S- It is set on a bridge where there is a lot of moving vehicles. He is sitting on the bridge without a care in the world which suggests the action genre.
